Lythe Chamber Music Summer Courses - Whitby Online

Lythe Chamber Music Summer Courses

Chamber music courses for string, keyboard and wind players wishing to explore historical performance on modern or historical instruments.

Set in the historic coastal village of Lythe, on the edge of the North York Moors, Lythe Chamber Music Summer Courses offer a unique opportunity to explore a wide range of solo and ensemble repertoire for historical winds, strings and early keyboards from the seventeenth, eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, provided by experts from period group, Ensemble DeNOTE.

The courses, which also celebrate the craftsmanship of local keyboard builder Johannes Secker, will be of particular benefit to wind and string players, pre-formed ensembles and pianists who wish to deepen their interest and experience in playing on early instruments. Modern instrument players are encouraged to attend.

Aimed at aspiring professional players, teachers, advanced students and amateurs with good sight-reading (Grade 6-8+)
Course Fee for current year available on our website - Accommodation & meals not included (Bursaries available).

To request an Application Pack please email us or visit our website

The Courses Include:

-Individual tuition
-Technical surgeries
-Solo, duo and ensemble performance opportunities in concerts during the week
-Explore period playing styles on all string instruments, woodwinds, French horns/Natural horns.
-Classical bows, bassoon, clarinets, chalumeaux available for loan during the week. String players must provide their own instrument.
-Keyboard instruments available include fortepiano, square piano, harpsichord, clavichord, virginals
-Keyboard construction, tuning and maintenance

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Lythe Chamber Music Summer Courses Lythe Chamber Music Summer Courses
Lythe Chamber Music Summer Courses

North Yorkshire
YO21 3RW

Telephone:   07866 515340
Mobile:   07866 515340



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