Whitby Seafish - Whitby Online

Whitby Seafish

Marine supplies and services in Whitby, North Yorkshire

No matter where you live in the Country, you can receive Yorkshires Finest Fish delivered to your door, guaranteed next day!!

If you cant wait for me to sort it out on here for paying online - just give us a ring or an email to place your order, and I can take payment over the phone with credit or debit cards!!

All of our prime fish is sourced from the North East Coast, without exception, namely Whitby and Scarborough Fish Quays. As the boats are at sea for 3 days at the most, more often only 24 hours due to the weather!

The quality is excellent, and the variety is surprising; Halibut, Turbot, Sea bass, Squid, Dover sole, Lemon Sole, Red Mullet, Gurnard, Skate, Monkfish and John Dory's all landed frequently, as well as the Cod and Haddock you would expect.

We have the luxury of buying direct from Staithes Fishermen who still use the traditional methods and are only at sea for a matter of hours, this freshness combined with the traditional methods provides truly exceptional quality
Telephone:   01947 841236

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