Noon in Whitby

Amazing timelapse movies showing 12 noon in Whitby - one frame per day.

We've been secretly and carefully capturing and keeping photos of Whitby taken at noon - every day - since December 2014. Now that we have just over a year's worth of such images, we've combined them to make the following exceptional timelapse movies.

Things to note:

  • The tide. It ebbs and flows rhythmically, even though each image is taken from noon, showing the time of high water is changing slowly from one day to the next.
  • The sun. Note the shadows on the roofs of the buildings. You can see the sun's changing noon position each day - a smooth arc.
  • The sunshine. We all thought 2015 wasn't a particularly sunny year, but as you can clearly see, at noon it was very often lovely and sunny!
  • The people. Whitby is a very busy place, but there's definite patterns of popularity.
  • The boats. There are more in summer, but they never totally stop. Whitby is a year-round port.
  • The buildings. There were no changes. Whitby stayed much the same throughought 2015.
  • The cliffs. Again, no changes. No serious erosion noted in 2015.
Did we miss anything? What can you spot that's interesting?

A Year in Whitby at 12 Noon, downriver

A Year in Whitby at 12 Noon, downriver, half speed

A Year in Whitby at 12 Noon, upriver

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Whitby Movies
Touch Whitby
Touch Whitby Photography Exhibition
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